ABOUT The Neverending Quest for the Other Shore:

La Quête infinie de l'autre rive is a long narrative poem that brings together the apocryphal Atlantic voyages of the 14th-century Malinke emperor, Abubakar the second (Mansa Musa’s predecessor) and the perilous journeys on boats undertaken by contemporary African migrants. This neo-epic poem proposes that migrants are the new, unsung heroes of our always-already here “creolized” world/ Tout-Monde, whose advent is merely being delayed by essentialisms and borders.

Poet Tim Trzaskalik translated La Quête infinie de l'autre rive into German. The poem, now available as Die Unendliche Suche nach dem anderen Ufer. Epos in drei Gesängen (Matthes & Seitz, 2021), was the object of a one-page cover in the Frankfurter Allgemeine (https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/buecher/rezensionen/belletristik/sylvie-kande-die-unendliche-suche-nach-dem-anderen-ufer-17309179.html)

Poet Alexander Dickow received a 2018 PEN/Heim grant to complete the English translation of this poem, now published by Wesleyan University Press as The neverending Quest for the other Shore. An Epic in Three Cantos (2022). https://pen.org/from-heim-excerpt-pages-alexander-dickow/

The Neverending Quest for the Other Shore was selected as one of the Brittle Paper 100 most notable 2022 books, and made the Orion magazine Big Poetry list of 28 collections for the National Poetry Month https://orionmagazine.org/article/28-poetry-collections-national-poetry-month/

An excerpt of The Neverending Quest for the Other Shore was part of “Atlantic Connections”, a jazz performance of poems by Maya Angelou, Salgado Maranhão and Sylvie Kande, presented by Yosvany Terry & Alicia Hall Moran at Farkas Hall, Harvard U. & the Harvard Art Museum on 9/15-16/22 https://harvardartmuseums.org/calendar/jazz-performance-atlantic-connections